All’s Well

In Response To:

Maria Antonia 2019 Weekly Photo Challenge – Come join me, each Saturday, in posting a photo. Above is a list of the prompts to help inspire us. The order of the photos won’t matter. In other words, you don’t have to start at the top and move toward the end. For this challenge, you may pick any prompt on the list and start with that.

PROMPT:  All’s Well

El lago

Photo Credit:  Pinterest

Regenerated Soul

Your Daily Word Prompt – Hither – March 20, 2019

To participate in This Daily Prompt, all you have to do is publish a post on your own blog that responds to the prompt. It can be words, images anything that you like.

Regenerated Soul

This soft, gentle, billowing pink mist

calls to my soul to hither

and come rest and be cradled

in this blanket of tenderness

~ * ~

So lush in its calming tranquility

breathing in fresh and new

exhaling out stale and old

regenerated soul

~ * ~

Photo Credit:  Pixabay